Happy Halloween! Hope the Trick-or-Treaters don’t scare you too much. Hope your kids don’t eat too much Halloween candy either, that would be really scary.
The weather is started to get a little chilly. Even Santa thinks so. This is the first of my ‘this years’ collection of new Santa carvings I have created. For the fur I just carved groves in the fur and used browns and white to get a decent folk art version of fur. Next time I will use the wood burner to create realistic fur. For now I wanted to get the hang of this carving before spending too much time on it. For now, I guess Santa doesn’t mind.
Harvest is almost done (or in full swing depending on the crop). This is my version of a harvest angel bring in the first hand full of wheat. I carved this in the traditional flat plane carving style for the Scandinavian farmers hear in the mid-west. Soon she will put on the white gown as the Christmas holiday approaches. But in the mean time, it’s harvest time!
Three fairies ready to fly away for the winter. I started with the smallest one to get an idea of how the carving should go. The bigger on did not turn out as I wanted, I had a pattern malfunction and cut off too much arm. The median one is the final version. Now it’s time to carve Santas for the up-coming holiday arts and crafts season.
Last Saturday we attended the Rosemaling Show in Hermantown just northwest of Duluth, Minnesota. It was a one day show and was a success. The crowd was huge and everyone looked like they had a good time. The day started a bit harry when we found that we had forgotten to order a table and getting us a table would have been impossible. Luckily we had our spare folding table. Panic ended.
The show featured artists and other vendors associated with the Scandinavian traditions. We even had a visit from the local Tompte to look over tables. I told him that I was very good this year. He relied in his scandihovian accent that I was lying. Now, how did he know that? Well, off to the next show which will be in Red Wing, Minnesota.
Apple season is in full swing, and this guy is pretty happy about that. An apple a day keeps the doctor away – I guess he’s happy about that too. Just don’t tell him that he would fit nicely in a good old fashion apple pie.
If figured that since it was fun carving out that last batch of pumpkins faces, I should try other fruits and vegetables. I was thinking what the expression would be on a ripe habanero pepper would come out.